February 14, 2023

East Asia Super League Held a Meeting With the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA)

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East Asia Super League Held a Meeting With the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA)



East Asia Super League Held a Meeting With the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA)

East Asia Super League held a meeting with the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA)

On February 14, East Asia Super League (EASL) held a meeting with the representatives of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) and extended an official invitation to CBA teams to participate in the 2023-24 season of the pan-regional competition. 

"EASL and the Chinese Basketball Association have always had a deep relationship. We have always hoped that CBA teams couldbring exciting on-court actions on the global stage of EASL.” said EASL CEO Matt Beyer. "The CBA is a very mature professional league and the best league in China, the development of EASL would be incomplete if we didn’t have the CBA in our ecosystem."

The cordial discussion on such a special day also symbolizes a sweet beginning for the exchanges and cooperation between the two sides. The CBA have responded positively to the invitation from EASL, and both sides believe that having Chinese players and teams to participate in pan-regional events in Asia will be beneficial for all parties involved.

As the leading pan-regional professional basketball league in Asia, the vision and mission of East Super League is to be the top three professional league in the world in terms of fan size and commercial revenue, and to help elevate the level of basketball in Asia. In the 2024-25 season, EASL will expand the competition to 16 teams in total.

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